Saturday, February 27, 2010

MB TV #8

Marcus Brown is joined by Wade Williams of, and gives away some free stuff at the end!

MB TV #7, Live from Acapulco! live from Acapulco, with Special guest and personal trainer Jenny LaBaw talking about off season training, nutrition, and pre ski show. If you wanna get better or feel stronger, on and off the water, definitely tune into this one.

Live from the Utah Boat Show

Well, here's a quick clip from 2 weeks back at the Utah Boat Show.

Preview of HO/Syndicate's new HardShell Water Ski Boot System, as well as MasterCrafts latest crossover boat! Check it out!

MB TV #6

Here we are, back for another week with Todd Ristorcelli, editor of Water Ski Magazine, Pro Skier and family man.

Be warned, the show is just a bit outside the lines, including some explicit moments.


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