Sooooo, we caught the Michael Franti & Spearhead "Sound of Sunshine" Tour Finale show at Chico State a few nights ago. Unreal....
Not only do Franti's words and music reach out to folks all around the world,...but he himself actually gets down in the trenches with folks & reaches out, personally.
That's some Grassroots $tuff right there.
He's got my respect.
Oh,,,,,and his music is damn good too
Here's a sneak peek from the show....if you're all as lucky as I'd like you to be, there will be a more polished video edit coming soon....
Oh what? recognize him? Yeah, he's Big Time.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Surf EXPO!!!
Sacramento International Airport, on my way to Orlando FL for Surf Expo and MasterCraft filming.
Never thought water skiing would bring me this far....ever.
So I'd like to take a moment, and pay one of the greats from the past....the past that built this present....this modern day collection of water sports that brings good people together, all around the Earth.
Carl "The BEAR" Roberge:
Never thought water skiing would bring me this far....ever.
So I'd like to take a moment, and pay one of the greats from the past....the past that built this present....this modern day collection of water sports that brings good people together, all around the Earth.
Carl "The BEAR" Roberge:
Monday, September 6, 2010
Marcus Brown.TV postponed....
So its the first monday of the month. We should be live this evening with our webshow at 6pm pacific.
However, it's not going to happen...for a few reasons.
Its Labor Day weekend. Nobody cares about skiing, and they care even less about listening to some dreadhead talk about it.
Also, Monday Night Football is it looks like we'll have to find a new time slot for the show.
Sorry to disappoint folks.
Keep your eyes peeled and locked onto or for further information on when we'll be back up and running!
Thanks to all those who have supported us so far in this endeavor. Really appreciate it!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
London to Liverpool, & Back!
Exactly 1 week ago from this moment now, I was preparing for a trip to London. At this very moment, Terry Winter and myself are seated comfortably in London Heathrow airport, T-minus 2.5 hours until our bird launches for the West Coast of the US, scratching our heads a bit but generally enjoying this opportunity we've seized to attempt to be the best on the Globe at one thing: Skiing on Water.
How are we doing, you might ask? Well, we've done better.
Our spirits? Maybe we're foolish, but they're still high.... Why? Because we're not even close to done yet.
Terry Winter has notable titles to his name:
-National Champion: 1996
-2nd at Junior Worlds: 1996
-2nd at Junior Masters: 1997
-3rd Pro Tour Sacramento: 1999
-2nd World Cup Dubna, RUSSIA: 2004
-2nd World Cup Changshu, China: 2004
-Water Ski Mag Pro Slalom Shootout Champion: 2006
-2nd at Boardstock Last Man Standing: 2006 (best slalom event ever)
-2nd at Boardstock Last Man Standing: 2007
My point, you ask? - At least one of us has potential. We've been there before....we'll be on top again....
So here we are, 2010....things are a bit rough. But there are things to look forward to. For instance, this past week....
Yeah, it has been rough....for us. But for the sport, its quite a different story. Amidst a Global economic recession, a flatlining past and a hailstorm of changes within the industry....Water Skiing is alive and well. Why? Because of events of the sort we just had the pleasure of experiencing, that's why.
Within 5 days time, we had the opportunity to ski 6 guaranteed rounds of pro events....3 in London at Princes Club (a fabulous idea might I add...a place where you can ski, ride the cable, grab a drink or some food at the clubhouse or simply sit back and watch the action with a cup of tea), and 3 up north in Wigan, just outside Liverpool at 3 Sisters Club. The folks in Wigan took it a few steps beyond, trusting us crazies with 70 mph Go Karts and double barrel 12 gauge shotguns. Fantastic stuff!! Add that to all the events thus far this season (Moomba Masters, US Masters, Global Invitational, Malibu Open & Alizee Cup) and it turns out to be a really solid line up. Very fortunate we are, us Pro Skiers.
The Future:
With things regarding the industry looking up, and water skiing in general making a pros have an opportunity. We have a chance to push things to the next level. Its time. Its our only ever get one shot at this life...
Thats where Terry and I are right now. Thats how we see it. 14 years ago we skied our first Pro Event: High Point, North Carolina. If fortune has it, we'll have another 14 years of Pro Events before we walk away.
I want to personally thank all the folks in this industry who have contributed to the experience, facilitated the successes, supported the skiers and fueled the passion.
Also, big thanks to my sponsors for keeping me going.....MasterCraft Boats, HO Skis, O'NEILL & Global Marine. You have kept me alive and I am ever grateful.
1 more event to go for the season.....Diablo Shores Pro am, Sept 17/18.
Stay tuned for more updates, stories, pics, vids, etc here at
Also, follow me at for updates from around the world on the latest happenings.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
2010 so far...& Princes ProAm update
Just the other day, I was sitting with my buddy Terry Winter....who is also a professional water skier. We were catching up on some World News, and who was front page? Tiger Woods, of course. He was in the news most recently due to his performance....or lack thereof.
As a Pro Water Skier, I couldn't help but create my own thoughts on the whole deal. Mind you, these are just thoughts. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but everybody is human. OK, Tiger doesn't have the "Eye" these days....but whats the worst that could happen? Break a nail? Maybe get pissed and break a Golf Wrench over his knee? He's still making millions right? Shouldn't the news find something better to show us?...
Because heres the deal. As a water skier, let me tell you what can happen on a bad day...when things are not going your way....when life is weighing heavy on your shoulders: You get hurt. You are sidelined. You go home....empty, dejected.....
Even worse, think about Jumping! Can you imagine having to go jump 230 feet in a major pro event or suffer the punishment of being battered and bruised by the SportsCenter crew for losing your touch.....all after getting in a fight with your wife, getting a speeding ticket on the way to the lake, and finding out you're binding is ripped and needs repair before you go out?! Ya, breathe that set up in real deep and tell me how your stomach feels now. That's what I thought....gotta take a potty break right?
I get it. Golf is cheap (anyone can afford a ball and a club),....and can be done by kids from 1 to 92. But its safe.
Water Skiing is the ultimate. Doesn't matter if you're strong as an ox....strength isn't everything. Doesn't matter if your pretty as a fairy on the water, technique alone won't take you to the promise land. Even if you do have the strength and the style, you still need one more element: Lets steal it from our golf buddies shall we?? the Mental Game.
I love to ski on water. Why? Well, review the above paragraphs for most of the answer. It has it all.
Do I love to fail? NO. This season, the 2010 ski season has taught me a lot about failure personally. After a great few years and a few major wins up until 2007, I decided to shift focus. "lets promote skiing". So, the Face To Face Tour was born.
2 years and 20,000+ miles later, we had seen a lot of places, skied with a ton of people and hopefully spread a passion. It was a different experience...a very valuable and fulfilling time in my life.
So, this year, 2010, it was decided that our Face To Face Tour would be curtailed from the previous years, to leave more time for serious training and skiing again. Yet somehow I still found myself on the road for nearly half of the summer. Ohhh, life as a pro. Regardless, the training this year has been far superior to 2008 & 2009. I am fortunate to have a 2010 MasterCraft ProStar 197 sitting on my Summit Marine Hydraulic lift, and a solid HO/Syndicate ski underneath my feet. I am Lucky. Truly.
But this season on the water has been my worst in years. Is it age? 31 isn't that old. Is it burnout? NO, I'm more passionate, rejuvenated and fired up this year than the last two combined. Bottom line is the reason doesn't much matter.....its the struggles like this one that make us stronger. In the spirit of "let the journey be your joy", I'm going to continue fighting, pushing and learning....knowing that things will get better.
I've been on top before. I will be on top again.
The Princes ProAm Final 8 are set to ski in about 10 minutes. This event was the continuation of a tough event for me, as for many others. Again, just a stepping stone if you will.....These times will only make us more resilient, if we so choose to evolve from them. But as you can see from below, this event has been one of the toughest of the season. 6 guys at 2 @ 41 or more, and even more guys piled up at 3 @ 39, just out of the top 8. The weather was cold, water was rough, glare came on yesterday, some powered thru it though. The young french dude, Sacha, was the first to opt up yesterday: 32 head wind, 35 tail wind, then 39 into the wind AND glare....he barely went inside six. Ballsy move, considering the cut was only 3.5 @ 39....opting up means he has to run all 6 to get credit for any of it. He didn't. He paid the price. Jon Travers did the same....except his choice paid off, and he finished with a solid 2 @ 41. I opted up as well, felt strong at 39 but went down at 2.
So this morning, there were a lot of us ready to sell our soul to the man on the corner for some good weather and just a chance at making top 8. Actually, we weren't that desperate, but you get the picture. The weather was worse today. It was up and down, but most of us had challenging conditions. I felt it was more calm for me than others....the first 2 guys missed their 2nd pass tail wind. I opted up into a head wind 39 again....not as good of a start, but still ok into buoy 3. Screwed up. No one else did any better into the headwind, even at 38. It was tough. It was Princes, in true form. Hardnose Water Skiing.
Princes ProAm 2010 Final 8: (Top 4 seeds get to choose who they ski against from the bottom 4 seeds)
1. Jamie Beauchesne 2.5@ 41
2. Chris Parrish 2 @ 41
3. Jon Travers 2 @ 41
4. Chris Rossi 2 @ 41
5. Aaron Larkin 2 @ 41
6. Will Asher 2 @ 41
7. Nick Parsons 4 @ 39
8. Carlo Allais 3.5 @ 39
The Rest of us...
9. Billy Susi 3@39
10. Terry Winter 3@39
11. Fred Winter 3@39
12. Glenn Campbell 3@39
13. Tom Brantley 3@39
14. Sacha Descuns 3@39
15. Matteo Luzzeri 5.5@38
16. Romain Chambaud 5.5@38
17. Marcus Brown 5@38
18. Garth Milicich 3@38
19. Thibaut Dailland 5@35
And...the choosing:
JB vs Carlo
CP vs Larkin
Jon vs Parsons
Rossi vs Will
Currently its pissing down rain, and windy as all get out. Above are the matchups for the top 8.
JB vs Carlo?....I think I'll pick JB on this one...he's got the softest legs in the business....and he's got experience
CP vs Larkin?....tough one. Larkin was born with grit in his teeth. He's a Kiwi. Parrish is the World Record Holder. But his abilities and solidarity in adverse conditions is questionable on that Goode. In this classic rivalry, a Moomba rematch, I might have to go with Parrish on this one...but again,..anything can happen.
JT vs Parsons?...JT is on fire...Parsons is the sleeping Giant thus far this weekend. I see Parsons coming alive in the cold and blowing wind...he's from Utah! JT is from Florida...water temp 92 deg. Parsons is, well, a Yeti, but his home lake is 65 deg. Parsons wins this one based simply on comfort factors.
Rossi vs Willy....Willy looked awful good yesterday. Rossi did too. Its windy tho...and its cold. Willy is in his motherland. He's got soft legs, and rides that Syndicate A1 well balanced. Rossi likes to rotate a bit and fall back on the tail...I am gonna lean towards Willy on this one.
Updates for the rest of the event at Twitter: Marcus_Brown_ to follow me.
Till next time...
See ya..
As a Pro Water Skier, I couldn't help but create my own thoughts on the whole deal. Mind you, these are just thoughts. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but everybody is human. OK, Tiger doesn't have the "Eye" these days....but whats the worst that could happen? Break a nail? Maybe get pissed and break a Golf Wrench over his knee? He's still making millions right? Shouldn't the news find something better to show us?...
Because heres the deal. As a water skier, let me tell you what can happen on a bad day...when things are not going your way....when life is weighing heavy on your shoulders: You get hurt. You are sidelined. You go home....empty, dejected.....
Even worse, think about Jumping! Can you imagine having to go jump 230 feet in a major pro event or suffer the punishment of being battered and bruised by the SportsCenter crew for losing your touch.....all after getting in a fight with your wife, getting a speeding ticket on the way to the lake, and finding out you're binding is ripped and needs repair before you go out?! Ya, breathe that set up in real deep and tell me how your stomach feels now. That's what I thought....gotta take a potty break right?
I get it. Golf is cheap (anyone can afford a ball and a club),....and can be done by kids from 1 to 92. But its safe.
Water Skiing is the ultimate. Doesn't matter if you're strong as an ox....strength isn't everything. Doesn't matter if your pretty as a fairy on the water, technique alone won't take you to the promise land. Even if you do have the strength and the style, you still need one more element: Lets steal it from our golf buddies shall we?? the Mental Game.
I love to ski on water. Why? Well, review the above paragraphs for most of the answer. It has it all.
Do I love to fail? NO. This season, the 2010 ski season has taught me a lot about failure personally. After a great few years and a few major wins up until 2007, I decided to shift focus. "lets promote skiing". So, the Face To Face Tour was born.
2 years and 20,000+ miles later, we had seen a lot of places, skied with a ton of people and hopefully spread a passion. It was a different experience...a very valuable and fulfilling time in my life.
So, this year, 2010, it was decided that our Face To Face Tour would be curtailed from the previous years, to leave more time for serious training and skiing again. Yet somehow I still found myself on the road for nearly half of the summer. Ohhh, life as a pro. Regardless, the training this year has been far superior to 2008 & 2009. I am fortunate to have a 2010 MasterCraft ProStar 197 sitting on my Summit Marine Hydraulic lift, and a solid HO/Syndicate ski underneath my feet. I am Lucky. Truly.
But this season on the water has been my worst in years. Is it age? 31 isn't that old. Is it burnout? NO, I'm more passionate, rejuvenated and fired up this year than the last two combined. Bottom line is the reason doesn't much matter.....its the struggles like this one that make us stronger. In the spirit of "let the journey be your joy", I'm going to continue fighting, pushing and learning....knowing that things will get better.
I've been on top before. I will be on top again.
The Princes ProAm Final 8 are set to ski in about 10 minutes. This event was the continuation of a tough event for me, as for many others. Again, just a stepping stone if you will.....These times will only make us more resilient, if we so choose to evolve from them. But as you can see from below, this event has been one of the toughest of the season. 6 guys at 2 @ 41 or more, and even more guys piled up at 3 @ 39, just out of the top 8. The weather was cold, water was rough, glare came on yesterday, some powered thru it though. The young french dude, Sacha, was the first to opt up yesterday: 32 head wind, 35 tail wind, then 39 into the wind AND glare....he barely went inside six. Ballsy move, considering the cut was only 3.5 @ 39....opting up means he has to run all 6 to get credit for any of it. He didn't. He paid the price. Jon Travers did the same....except his choice paid off, and he finished with a solid 2 @ 41. I opted up as well, felt strong at 39 but went down at 2.
So this morning, there were a lot of us ready to sell our soul to the man on the corner for some good weather and just a chance at making top 8. Actually, we weren't that desperate, but you get the picture. The weather was worse today. It was up and down, but most of us had challenging conditions. I felt it was more calm for me than others....the first 2 guys missed their 2nd pass tail wind. I opted up into a head wind 39 again....not as good of a start, but still ok into buoy 3. Screwed up. No one else did any better into the headwind, even at 38. It was tough. It was Princes, in true form. Hardnose Water Skiing.
Princes ProAm 2010 Final 8: (Top 4 seeds get to choose who they ski against from the bottom 4 seeds)
1. Jamie Beauchesne 2.5@ 41
2. Chris Parrish 2 @ 41
3. Jon Travers 2 @ 41
4. Chris Rossi 2 @ 41
5. Aaron Larkin 2 @ 41
6. Will Asher 2 @ 41
7. Nick Parsons 4 @ 39
8. Carlo Allais 3.5 @ 39
The Rest of us...
9. Billy Susi 3@39
10. Terry Winter 3@39
11. Fred Winter 3@39
12. Glenn Campbell 3@39
13. Tom Brantley 3@39
14. Sacha Descuns 3@39
15. Matteo Luzzeri 5.5@38
16. Romain Chambaud 5.5@38
17. Marcus Brown 5@38
18. Garth Milicich 3@38
19. Thibaut Dailland 5@35
And...the choosing:
JB vs Carlo
CP vs Larkin
Jon vs Parsons
Rossi vs Will
Currently its pissing down rain, and windy as all get out. Above are the matchups for the top 8.
JB vs Carlo?....I think I'll pick JB on this one...he's got the softest legs in the business....and he's got experience
CP vs Larkin?....tough one. Larkin was born with grit in his teeth. He's a Kiwi. Parrish is the World Record Holder. But his abilities and solidarity in adverse conditions is questionable on that Goode. In this classic rivalry, a Moomba rematch, I might have to go with Parrish on this one...but again,..anything can happen.
JT vs Parsons?...JT is on fire...Parsons is the sleeping Giant thus far this weekend. I see Parsons coming alive in the cold and blowing wind...he's from Utah! JT is from Florida...water temp 92 deg. Parsons is, well, a Yeti, but his home lake is 65 deg. Parsons wins this one based simply on comfort factors.
Rossi vs Willy....Willy looked awful good yesterday. Rossi did too. Its windy tho...and its cold. Willy is in his motherland. He's got soft legs, and rides that Syndicate A1 well balanced. Rossi likes to rotate a bit and fall back on the tail...I am gonna lean towards Willy on this one.
Updates for the rest of the event at Twitter: Marcus_Brown_ to follow me.
Till next time...
See ya..
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Season Recap
Imagine this: You're resting nicely, minding your own business, enjoying the quiet darkness. WHACK WHACK WHACK!!! "What the $&%^ is that?" Then it hits you: The panic that you must have overslept. No clue where you are, what you're doing there, when you're supposed to be up, who is doing the WHACKING nor why they are doing it.....but, you must have screwed sumthin up reeeeal good.
Then you scratch your head and immediately recognize the touch of coarse tangles of ski rope against your're Marcus Brown.
That was my morning. I was in Vonore, TN, for a MasterCraft Photo/Video shoot, No I wasn't supposed to be awake yet (it was only 5:26 am) but apparently Freddy Krueger - everyone's Nightmare on the Jump ramp - couldn't resist the temptation of robbing someone of their last 4 minutes in NeverNever Land.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about out there?
Over the past 90 days these shoes have seen plenty enough for the adventurer in us all: See Rough Outline below....
- Chico, CA --> Training on the home site (May 15th)
- Orlando, FL --> Masters Last Chance Qualifier
- Miami, FL --> Miami Record Tournament
- Chattanooga, TN --> More training with Jamie Beauchesne
- Pine Mtn Georgia --> Golfing (not really)
- Vonore, TN --> MasterCraft 214v testing (this boat rocks!)
- Chico, CA --> Back HOME to train!!
- Mammoth Mtn, CA --> Skier vs Skier! Sickest time ever!
- SoCal --> Skier vs Skier cont'd on the water!!
- Provo, UT --> Face To Face Tour hits the Road!!
- Rifle, CO --> Train/Face To Face Tour
- Grand Rapids, MI --> Global Marine/MasterCraft Pro Event
- Dotsero, CO --> Training, Rafting, Livin'
- Chico, CA --> Training @ the Ridge
- Pleasant Grove, CA --> Liquid Zone Record
- Sacramento, CA --> Steve Miller Band concert
- Caldwell, ID --> Western Regional Championships
- Chico, CA --> Parents 50th Wedding Anniversary
- Milwaukee, WI --> Pro Event
- Vonore, TN --> MasterCraft Photo & Video shoot
- Wilmington, IL --> US National Water Ski Championships
Which is where I sit at this moment. What a summer its been so far! 1 more day here at the Nationals, then its back to Cali for another round of training before heading off to the Princes ProAm in London, England in less than 2 weeks!
Can anyone tell me where the pause button is?......
Then you scratch your head and immediately recognize the touch of coarse tangles of ski rope against your're Marcus Brown.
That was my morning. I was in Vonore, TN, for a MasterCraft Photo/Video shoot, No I wasn't supposed to be awake yet (it was only 5:26 am) but apparently Freddy Krueger - everyone's Nightmare on the Jump ramp - couldn't resist the temptation of robbing someone of their last 4 minutes in NeverNever Land.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about out there?
Over the past 90 days these shoes have seen plenty enough for the adventurer in us all: See Rough Outline below....
- Chico, CA --> Training on the home site (May 15th)
- Orlando, FL --> Masters Last Chance Qualifier
- Miami, FL --> Miami Record Tournament
- Chattanooga, TN --> More training with Jamie Beauchesne
- Pine Mtn Georgia --> Golfing (not really)
- Vonore, TN --> MasterCraft 214v testing (this boat rocks!)
- Chico, CA --> Back HOME to train!!
- Mammoth Mtn, CA --> Skier vs Skier! Sickest time ever!
- SoCal --> Skier vs Skier cont'd on the water!!
- Provo, UT --> Face To Face Tour hits the Road!!
- Rifle, CO --> Train/Face To Face Tour
- Grand Rapids, MI --> Global Marine/MasterCraft Pro Event
- Dotsero, CO --> Training, Rafting, Livin'
- Chico, CA --> Training @ the Ridge
- Pleasant Grove, CA --> Liquid Zone Record
- Sacramento, CA --> Steve Miller Band concert
- Caldwell, ID --> Western Regional Championships
- Chico, CA --> Parents 50th Wedding Anniversary
- Milwaukee, WI --> Pro Event
- Vonore, TN --> MasterCraft Photo & Video shoot
- Wilmington, IL --> US National Water Ski Championships
Which is where I sit at this moment. What a summer its been so far! 1 more day here at the Nationals, then its back to Cali for another round of training before heading off to the Princes ProAm in London, England in less than 2 weeks!
Can anyone tell me where the pause button is?......
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Milwaukee, Pro-Event
So here it is! Check this place out!
In the middle of downtown Milwaukee, right on the edge of Lake MIchigan is a place called Lake Park.
If you're normal folks, like the ones we met during lunch, at The Garage, you'd think it was crazy to try to ski on that tiny pond. If you're a water skier, you wouldn't believe your eyes.
Today, everyone arrived,....some folks skied, some of us chilled.
This town is sick! The event site is unreal!
Keep it locked here for more pics and stories from this weekend....much more to come!
To Be Continued...
Monday, July 19, 2010
So, will be shifting to a once-a-month schedule for the remainder of the ski season. The first monday of every month will be showtime: same time, same place...just 1 monday a month instead of every. Sorry for the inconvenience folks....
Check out tonights show archived below!!
Marcus Brown, professional water skier, runs you thru the latest in the world of water skiing....from the upcoming pro event in Milwaukee, to cheating in sports and specifically water skiing, as well as a Top 5 of the week that is heavy on technique. Click play and check it out!!
Check out tonights show archived below!!
Marcus Brown, professional water skier, runs you thru the latest in the world of water skiing....from the upcoming pro event in Milwaukee, to cheating in sports and specifically water skiing, as well as a Top 5 of the week that is heavy on technique. Click play and check it out!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Global Invitational video preview series!
So its been a while since I've spoken up on here. Thought I'd share a bit of the scene from Placid Waters today, here outside Grand Rapids Michigan. We have the Global Invitational tomorrow, with the biggest names and best water skiers from all over the world competing under the lights and beaming looks of thousands of screaming fans.
Here's what the Pros were up to today! Enjoy...
Mr Global Marine, Jim Stanley with a quick word and some info on the Event:
Talk Series: Interview with West Coast leaper (and part time Keebler Elf) Brian Kinney, along with World Record Holder Chris Parish, and rookie of the weekend Brian Detrick, also a west coaster:
A Must See!!! - The biggest characters in Water Skiing try to break down the latest invention for you....the BUBBLE BUOY!!
Here's what the Pros were up to today! Enjoy...
Mr Global Marine, Jim Stanley with a quick word and some info on the Event:
Talk Series: Interview with West Coast leaper (and part time Keebler Elf) Brian Kinney, along with World Record Holder Chris Parish, and rookie of the weekend Brian Detrick, also a west coaster:
A Must See!!! - The biggest characters in Water Skiing try to break down the latest invention for you....the BUBBLE BUOY!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Face To Face 2010 Heads East!
Here we go! So, its 4:51 pacific time, and we are on the road as I type this. Wanna see what we're doing???...hit PLAY! Technology is scary sometimes....
Monday, June 14, 2010
Skier v. Skier
So this past Sunday began one of the most unbelievable times in my life. I don't have time to explain it all to you now, but for starters, I want you to take a peek at last weeks episode of below. Once I am able to put together in words, what happened last week in real life, I will. Until then, enjoy the teaser:
Friday, June 4, 2010
A Skier Looks at 31
I used to listen to Jimmy Buffet's "A Pirate Looks at 40" and think, "wow, 40....I'm never gonna be that old..." Suddenly it comes on the radio today and I realize its only 9 yrs away, if I'm so fortunate to have another 9 years. The closer 40 comes, the more apparent it becomes that life is not about how good you are at much $ you take....or how many heads you turn.
One thing it is about?: enjoying this moment, NOW. "." Just like a favorite old Chinese saying: "One Moment, One Chance....Always"
This guy seemed like he had it figured out well before 40. He'll live on in every person out there who continues the struggle to make the most of whatever endeavor they find passion.
Be one of those people. Don't wait.....
Arne Backstrom died today.
Lots of you didn't know Arne....thats unfortunate.
He was 29.
Arne Backstrom
Arne's Blog
One thing it is about?: enjoying this moment, NOW. "." Just like a favorite old Chinese saying: "One Moment, One Chance....Always"
This guy seemed like he had it figured out well before 40. He'll live on in every person out there who continues the struggle to make the most of whatever endeavor they find passion.
Be one of those people. Don't wait.....
Arne Backstrom died today.
Lots of you didn't know Arne....thats unfortunate.
He was 29.
Arne Backstrom
Arne's Blog
Friday, May 21, 2010
Masters LCQ, Round 1
Video Update from central Florida here at the Masters Last Chance Qualifier. More to come....
Thursday, May 20, 2010
From the West to the East...AGAIN
It never ends...there is always "ONE MORE TRIP to Florida" when it comes to water skiing. WHY??? Plenty of lakes elsewhere...plenty of boats to pull ya around.
Isn't Minnesota the "land of a billion lakes" or something, by the time you adjust for inflation? And aside from the cheese, I hear Wisconsin has a bunch of water rats up there. AND, I know in Michigan the beer flows like water, but is it not true also that the water flows like, well, water??
SO what up FLO-RI-Diculous?? Why you gotta be such ski hogs? We're over it!
What happens when the skiers come to their senses and flee the state, taking all their PFD's (personal floatation devices) with them, AND you get that storm of the millenium that leaves nothing to stand on but 345 ft Britton Hill?? Huh...huh..! What then?
Off rant, this place isn't all that bad if you're just poppin' in for a few ski rides, like I am. 2 rounds on friday. Two chances to run a predetermined score of 2.75 @ 41. WHAT??!! Ya, who comes up with this crap?
Uh...if you don't know skiing, imagine a football game in which a Team, say, the Oakland Raiders, is matched up against, well, themselves (if that's possible). They are competing in a Super Bowl "LCQ", and the score they have to get to make it to the Super Bowl is 5. And they only get one possession to do it in. WHAT??!! See how ridiculous this is. So its obvious, right? I mean, they are gonna have to kick off to themselves, bobble the return into the endzone, the defensive self will have to tackle the returning self for a safety (BUT WAIT), but simultaneously strip the ball from the receiver exactly when his/(her) knee touches the ground,....THEN pitch the ball back out of the endzone, to his/(her) defensive (now offensive) teammate, who will down the ball, outside of the endzone. They will then kick a field goal on 1st down, of course...making the score, well, 5-0, having had only 1 possession. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! LCQ success...
Wow...brain meltdown.
Note to Masters Selection Criteria Committee: Round next time. Up or down, I don't care, just do the math.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Supercross World Champ Heath Voss on MBTV!!
2004 Supercross World Champion, Team SYNDICATE Rider and Medina County goat roping runner-up, Heath Voss will be joining Marcus this Monday Night, May 17th at the usual time (6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern).
Earlier in 2010 he bagged a couple big Supercross wins overseas, in Liverpool and again in London. Now he'll join us Live from "The Compound" in Mico Texas, just a few short steps from the crystal clear waters of Medina Lake,....and fill us in, once and for all, on Who he is, Why we should care, and What the HELL riding a dirt bike has to do with laying down turns on a shred stick!
Don't miss this one! or
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Snow and Water Shredder Taylor Garcia Tonight!
Mini shredder Taylor Garcia joins me tonight on! He's fresh off a J4 North Series Overall Championship here in California, and already logging trips to Florida to clean up his water skills for the upcoming season.
If you haven't heard of this guy probably want to log on tonight at 6pm, here at or at
I can't promise anything, but I do know he's as much a Character, as he is a skier! We should be in for a treat tonight!
Don't miss it!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Face To Face with Marcus Brown upcoming WebShow Schedule!
Join us and participate at ProSkiCoach or MarcusBrown.TV , and have a chance to win one of our weekly prize giveaways! Hit up my Ustream.TV page for all archived shows!
- April 26th: Taylor Garcia, Under 13 US Pan American Team member on water and J4 overall North Series Champion on snow. And he's a rad kid....heck of a shredder!
- May 3rd: Cris Kodiak, Midwest Collegiate Legend and one of the reasons Midwest Collegiate water skiing rules the land right now!
- Potential Guests to come, dates to be announced:
- Carl Roberge
- 1 of the top 10 skiers of all time
- Heath Voss
- 2004 SuperCross World Champion
- Glen Plake
- Mohawk anyone?? Most recognizable skier in the world, and heck of a guy
- Ryan Dodd
- 2008 Moomba Masters Jump Champion and 2008 MasterCraft ProTour season champion. He jumps like 230 feet or something...
- Breanne Dodd
- His wife...she can shred too! She has a World Championship under her belt
- Tyler Yager
- 2nd @ 2009 National Championships, Boys III. Unreal skier, super cool guy.
- Willy Asher
- 2 time World Champion, too many titles to list. Just don't miss this one!
- Robb Wolf
- Master of Psuedoscience, Robb will change your life, in more than one way. Expert on health and fitness, he'll blow your mind with nutritional and training information that will take your life to the next level! Founder of Crossfit NorCal - one of America's Top 30 gyms.
- Jenny LaBaw (again)
- Knows something about training....or something AFitPlace
- Dr. Jim Michaels - A dentist and skier that needs to clear the air for us all
- ....suggestions?? about some girls? Right??!
- Send comments/questions/suggestions to me...please
- hit up FaceToFaceTour and follow the "News" for my address
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Ski Smarter with Marcus Brown??
Marcus Brown has transformed his study of West Coast Slalom into tournament success. Here, the current U.S. Open champion shows you how to make this analytical approach to skiing work for you.
Breakdown Video from INSIDE EDGE --> Get It!
Breakdown Video from INSIDE EDGE --> Get It!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Live WebShow Tonight with Terry Winter, Featuring Tipsy T
Check in tonight over at ( at 6pm Pacific, 9pm Eastern for our weekly Show and get involved....hit us up on the chat board!!
This week, we have Pro Skier, Coach and Graphics extraordinaire Terry Winter, along with his bud and old Neighbor Tipsy T....should be a heck of a show!
Tune in now!
Free TV : Ustream
This week, we have Pro Skier, Coach and Graphics extraordinaire Terry Winter, along with his bud and old Neighbor Tipsy T....should be a heck of a show!
Tune in now!
Free TV : Ustream
Monday, March 22, 2010
Hey Folks,
Tonight will be Live WebShow #11 for us, and it should be the best one yet!
We'll be live from Clermont, FL and the home of World Champion Will Asher, where we've been for the past 3 days testing product.
The Line Up:
5 time World Champion, master shaper and water ski legend Bob LaPoint
2 time World Champion Will Asher
Team Syndicate rider Breanne Dodd
Dave Wingerter (HO/Syndicate brand manager)
US Open Champion Marcus Brown
New product & fresh ideas.
Tune in and send us a message at or sign up and participate at
Friday, March 19, 2010
Eastbound and Down
It is absolutely unbelievable to be able to type this on a computer, from the seat of a plane skimming across the surface of the Earth at 880 feet per second,…and look out the window to catch glimpses of the "rat race" about 6 miles below….so artificial up here, yet so real and simple. Things look a lot different. Just with you're eye alone, you can travel hundreds of miles in less than a second! Freedom! Early settlers, moving west & anxious to stamp out a piece of freedom (land) for themselves, had to do it on foot….with animals, and a wagon, and dust, dirt, mud, rain, snow, freezing mtns, boiling deserts, crying babies, homemade shoes and wooden false teeth!…it took months to make it across the United States,….many died! Damn!!
I turn a key, swerve thru traffic, crank Pandora for a bit, make some calls, Tweet, park, swipe a card, take my shoes off, put'em back on, get patted down by some stranger, wait in line for a few minutes, sit on this plane a few hours and end up on the other coast!
I just landed here, in Orlando, for a HO/Syndicate Team testing session….riding an emotional "high", why? Maybe its because I get to spend time on the water with the best R&D team in the industry….some of the biggest legends in the sport…and they just happen to be the folks with the most experience, wisdom and knowledge relating to anything water skiing. I'm all geeked out, and can't wait for whats to come in 2010!
Fingers are crossed that Delta pulls thru with the luggage tonight
To be continued…..
I turn a key, swerve thru traffic, crank Pandora for a bit, make some calls, Tweet, park, swipe a card, take my shoes off, put'em back on, get patted down by some stranger, wait in line for a few minutes, sit on this plane a few hours and end up on the other coast!
I just landed here, in Orlando, for a HO/Syndicate Team testing session….riding an emotional "high", why? Maybe its because I get to spend time on the water with the best R&D team in the industry….some of the biggest legends in the sport…and they just happen to be the folks with the most experience, wisdom and knowledge relating to anything water skiing. I'm all geeked out, and can't wait for whats to come in 2010!
Fingers are crossed that Delta pulls thru with the luggage tonight
To be continued…..
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Moomba 50 Year Storm!!
It would be my luck.
The millisecond I start bragging about how good this tournament in Melbourne Australia is, and how great the city is and this, that & the other…..what happens??!!!
The biggest one day storm in 50+ years!!
Regardless, us Men Slalom skiers got lucky today, with a crystal clear sky and hot burning sun with its mind set on taunting the weather men with their "doom and gloom" forecasts for Today and Moomba Monday.
The Yarra River, a bloated, brown, glutonous Python of mythical proportions this morning….somehow managed to digest everything the impossible storm threw at it over the past 24 hours. By the time we hit the water for the 15 man semi-finals….the river once more resembled the sheet of glass we know and love, with the water level back to normal. AMAZING!
This semi-final round saw people crushing the buoys like never before. One ripper, Zane Nicholson a 15 yr. old Phenom from the States, tied his all-time Personal Best of 2 @ 39 off (10.75) to take the lead! Unreal. I was worried…..everyone was running the 11.25m line, which two days before only 3 of us had: Willy, Parish, and myself. How was it that much better??
Well, it wasn't necessarily all that much better….I think people were just digging deeper today…for the most part. One thing that might have played a hand, was the cleanliness of the river today….in that it was mostly freshwater from the extreme runoff, whereas friday it was extremely salty. Salt water tends to keep the water dense, hard, and fast… newly poured concrete. Today, the freshwater was a definite bonus….soft and forgiving.
In the end, the top three seeds into the finals remained the same. Parish maintained his lead, with an impressive "Pete Rose" to cap off a pretty impressive 39 pass….he swam in…and most of us are hoping he blew his "stuff" on this round…he's looking too good to believe he'll fall short on Moomba Monday. Willy looked unreal today as well….crushing 39 and tried to grab the whole river and carry it with him around 4…..he'll be second seed for the finals. I felt ok today…but felt the best at 39. Good 1 ball, then blew my wad and forgot my own name approaching buoy 2….managed 3 and feel pretty good with my 3rd seed into the finals.
Results page:
So, out of 4 trips down here to Melbourne in 6 years, I've managed to make the finals every time. I feel extremely fortunate to have another chance to stand on the dock tomorrow and take a stab at the title of "Moomba Masters Slalom Champion".
I'll tell ya why: Standing on the dock today, with all the guys, and looking out over that tired, lumbering river, I could not believe the amount of people lining the banks. This is the Moomba Masters. We only have one tournament like it. No where else on Earth do we get this package.
That's why.
To Be Continued…..
Friday, March 5, 2010
Moomba Masters: [Moom - ber Maast - ahhs] Quite possibly the biggest, best, most prestigious Water Ski and Wakeboard event in the world! Oh sure, most will laugh when I say this….content to lean confidently on the "true" Masters Water Ski & Wakeboard tournament, in Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain Georgia, as the pinnacle…the capstone event in all of Water Sports!!! REALLY?? Lets do a quick side by side, and I say quick cuz its 2010 and folks these days don't have time for anything other than quick. Here I go then….
Masters Water Ski & Wakeboard tournament, Callaway Gardens, Georgia (Callaway Golf Clubs anyone????…..)
- held within the 20 square mile complex that is Callaway Gardens, on the amazing Robin Lake….which boasts the largest man-made, white sand beach in the World!
- Very expensive to attend
- Very exclusive to watch - you'll need to procure a "pavilion pass" (by either selling your soul to the Devil….or being one of the top 10 water skiers in the world) to even come within a football fields distance from the action. No worries though, right??…I mean, you came to the gardens to bird watch anyway….so not to worry, you've got your binoculars handy for the on-water action….wait a minute…you just had them…what in God's name happened to those things……
- Very isolated from any sort of civilization or running water (drinking water)
- Very stuffy, uncomfortable feeling once on the premises despite the beautiful surrounds…..a peculiar paradox, you find yourself thinking…
- Always on Memorial Day Weekend! - isn't this weekend reserved for something else already?…why are we in this hot, muggy, isolated armpit of the south, dripping sweat like tears?? We ought to be floating down some river with thousands of other people and a cooler full of drinks tied round our ankles?? (Kids out there, NEVER, and I mean NEVER, tie a cooler to any body part and float down a river…..EVER)
Moomba Masters Water Ski And Wakeboard Tournament, Yarra River, Downtown Melbourne, Australia
- held smack dab in the middle of one of the coolest major cities in the World: Melbourne, Australia, in a public setting, on a river
- Very Cheap to attend…like FREE. Which is the best opportunity for folks who have never seen water skiing to actually have a chance to see it…best skiers in the world in person! Gold Star straight away to Moomba Masters for this invaluable exposure and promotion of Water Sports!!
- Very easy to watch - grab some buddies, some cold drinks and get your ass down to the Yarra ASAP to claim a patch of grass!! It goes quick by the time the finals roll around on Moomba Monday and there are 35,000 people watching. But don't worry, even if you miss out on river front privileges you'll still have one of the best views in the house, as the Yarra River couldn't be more perfectly designed for water skiing….with easy viewing from either side of the narrow, flowing sheet of cool smooth glass.
- Like I said, right in the middle of the 2nd biggest city in all of Australia which is also the 3rd "Most Livable City in the World" , with the world's largest public tram network, and a host of other titles: Its a national center for the Arts, Entertainment, Australian Film, Australian Rules Footy,….basically its the Cultural Capital of Australia. Its unreal how much is happening in this city….and thats just on a normal weekend.
- Always during Moomba - Australia's largest festival held over the 4 day Labor Day weekend. With Bands, a Carnival, River Activities, River Floats, Fireworks, a Birdman Rally, and of course, the Moomba Masters Water Sports event…Annually more than 200,000 people attend.
- Moomba, in Aboriginal, means "Let's get together and have fun"
- BONUS FACT: no matter where you go, or who you talk to in this city throughout the weekend…most either know of the Moomba Masters Water Ski event, have watched it in the past, or know who the skiers are!
How could the best Water Sports event in the world get any better?????
It can't.
If you're not here…..sorry about your luck….if you could see the smile on my face as I type this, you'd think I was trying my damnedest to make ya'll jealous.
But that's not it.
The smile comes from the simple fact that, even without a shred of "city folk" in me, I'm living proof that this place can strike a chord with anyone….the 80 degree Australian autumn sun in March, loads of restaurants/shops/attractions, unreal sights and generous people….its the living, breathing heart of Melbourne, and it can all be summed up by that smile.
I hope you get the chance. And if you're really lucky…and you find yourself here on the right weekend, you might just happen upon the greatest show there ever was on water: the Moomba Masters!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
MB TV #8
Marcus Brown is joined by Wade Williams of, and gives away some free stuff at the end!
MB TV #7, Live from Acapulco! live from Acapulco, with Special guest and personal trainer Jenny LaBaw talking about off season training, nutrition, and pre ski show. If you wanna get better or feel stronger, on and off the water, definitely tune into this one.
Live from the Utah Boat Show
Well, here's a quick clip from 2 weeks back at the Utah Boat Show.
Preview of HO/Syndicate's new HardShell Water Ski Boot System, as well as MasterCrafts latest crossover boat! Check it out!
Preview of HO/Syndicate's new HardShell Water Ski Boot System, as well as MasterCrafts latest crossover boat! Check it out!
MB TV #6
Here we are, back for another week with Todd Ristorcelli, editor of Water Ski Magazine, Pro Skier and family man.
Be warned, the show is just a bit outside the lines, including some explicit moments.
Be warned, the show is just a bit outside the lines, including some explicit moments.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Live Webcast #3 from Teton Village, Wyoming
Latest webcast....shorter,...but hopefully we'll grow this into a pretty cool radio show down the road! Check it a comment so I know how I'm doing...
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Denver Boat Show
Product Reviews, News, Happenings and the latest action from the Denver Boat Show!
Check it!
Check it!
Monday, January 11, 2010
MasterCraft Rewind 2010!
The Face To Face Tour is going on two solid years of cross country water shredding, thanks to our Title sponsor, MasterCraft Boats. Here is a piece on the Tour directly from MasterCraft's Rewind 2010, their video documentary & recap of 2009. Let us know what you think!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Fire Side Chat!
Second Live WebChat I just finished on ProSkiCoach on all things water skiing (and beyond).
OK, so, aside from the fact that I speak in monotone, say "uhm" a lot, and don't know what to do with my hands.....I thought I did ok.
See for yourself!
OK, so, aside from the fact that I speak in monotone, say "uhm" a lot, and don't know what to do with my hands.....I thought I did ok.
See for yourself!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Wanna pee in a cup?.... neither!
Olympian. Olympics.
Olympism! - No, its not an illness, its a real word. Its something often talked about at the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) level. Its serious business.
2010 is an Olympic year. The Olympics are serious business. Since a child I, like many others, dreamed of being in the Olympics,…being an Olympian….winning a gold medal for my COUNTRY! The Olympics have always been the "Ultimate" in sports. The best of the best. Simply the greatest show of Athleticism on Earth.
Well, the Olympics are not so simple. The olympics aren't pure sport. The Olympic movement is very commercial, an enterprise, a money maker, an industry, political, etc, etc, etc,…..
Here are 3 reasons I've been given my whole life:
The mechanical boat - Mechanized tow vehicle is not acceptable. Really?
A list of Machines used in other "Olympic Sports":
The human element - Boat requires a driver….not acceptable. Despite water skiing's evolution to a GPS based speed control, virtually eliminating all human element, the sport is still far from Olympic acceptance. However, I know when I ski, its me and the board….and the buoys I have to get around. Nothing else. There is no boat. There is no human element I worry about. Figure skating, ice dancing, gymnastics, boxing, diving & synchronized swimming surely have NO human elements, do they? Nothing but fair and balanced judging. Right? Hmmmmm…..Must be why they are Olympic Sports.
The lack of participation - Not enough people do it. Again, Really?? Oh oh, and Bobsled, Luge, Skeleton, Ski Jumping, and CURLING are well participated. Come on. People go to the lake all the time. Many make vacations out of it. Most people have been on the water at some point in their life. However, I can't remember the last time I heard of a family vacation to the pond for some Curling…..or to the track with the $18,000 sled for a little good old fashioned Griswald family fun in the bobsled for new years. Please, if there are any people out there passionate about the sports listed above and feel they have more Olympic entitlement than the next sport, comment or contact me so we all know you're out there….and so I can apologize, if need be.
I'm now going to Multiply by (-1) and turn this negative rant into something more educational.
A Pan American sport recognized by the USOC and IOC (International Olympic Committee), but not included in the Olympics, Water Skiing is in this category with many other POPULAR sports…most notably:
Air Sports (WTF?)
Bandy (?)
Basque Pelota
Billiard Sports (Color of Money anyone?)
Bridge (huh?)
Chess (where's Bobby Fischer?)
DanceSport (Patrick Swayze would be proud)
FloorBall (Don't they mean Dodgeball?)
Lifesaving (ya Pamela)
Roller Sports
& last but not least, Tug of War.
Can you believe that list? Yeah, well the top water skiers in the world used to receive funding and support from the USOC. Seems like a pretty fair consolation prize right? Five or so years ago, the USOC restructured. Water Skiing no longer gets support….no longer gets much of anything from the USOC. I am an Athlete Rep for water sports at the USOC level. I have had a few first hand encounters with the "Olympic Machine".
After what I have seen I am OK with Water Skiing being a non-olympic sport.
I don't want to tell the United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA) where I will be, every hour of every day of every month of my LIFE!! Right now we all do. I Don't Do Drugs! Its evident…..look at me, 162 lbs with all my ski gear wet! Leave us alone! And for that matter, leave our sport alone until you have something to offer in return for asking me and every other athlete our whereabouts and our every move. Does USADA seriously go around the country testing Chess players and Korfballers??
I have silently held these feelings for a few years now. They are probably the reason I was delinquent on two other occasions where it was apparently required that I fill out the Athlete Location Forms on time. I didn't. It wasn't a priority. I don't have that OLYMPIC GOLD calling my name.
I now have 2 strikes on my record for nothing other than disagreeing with USOC standards imposed upon a non-olympic sport. 1 more strike and I am apparently banned from competition. (a strike can be as simple as going to get groceries and having Mr Drug Tester show at your house....viola, instant failure)
Is this baseball now?? I don't swing bats or catch balls. I water ski. If its not good enough, don't bother knocking on my door so I can piss in your cup.
What a joke
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